Lavonia Elementary School
818 Hartwell Road Lavonia, GA 30553 Kasey Haley, Principal
Phone: 706-356-8209 | Fax: 706-356-2966 Le Anna Cuevas, Assistant Principal
Phone: 706-356-8209 | Fax: 706-356-2966 Le Anna Cuevas, Assistant Principal
Every child ~ Every day ~ Whatever it takes!
Upcoming dates & School Events
Upcoming dates & School Events
Visit to place your order.
Yearbooks are $17 if you order by Jan. 31st. After that prices rise to $20.
Deadline to order is Mar. 28th
¡Anuarios a la venta ahora!
Escanee el código QR en la imagen o visite para realizar su pedido.
Los anuarios cuestan $17 si los solicita antes del 31 de enero. Después de eso, el precio sube a 20 dólares.
La fecha límite para realizar pedidos es el 28 de marzo.
Bulldog News
Bulldog News
LES Parents and guardians, we need your input about our school. Please click here for our 2024-2025 Georgia school climate survey!
LES Parents and guardians, we need your input about our school. Please click here for our 2024-2025 Georgia school climate survey!
CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Tammy Lathan - LES Teacher of the Year!!
CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Tammy Lathan - LES Teacher of the Year!!
CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Jamie Simpson - LES Support Person of the Year!!
CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Jamie Simpson - LES Support Person of the Year!!
Whats for lunch?
Whats for lunch?
Please help us keep guardian phone numbers updated and emergency contacts updated!
More information can be found on our Parent Information Page.