Counselor's Corner

Braden Holland

Guidance Counselor

(ext. 4007)

At LES, our guidance program works to help students learn important life skills such as: 

Ø    Knowledge of self and others

Ø    Responsibility at school and home

Ø    Skills for healthy friendships

Ø    How to make healthy decisions

Ø    Understanding and managing feelings in appropriate ways

Ø    Dealing with peer pressure, conflict and bullying

Ø    Early understanding of careers

Ø    Test taking strategies

The Guidance and Counseling program at Lavonia Elementary is responsible for providing classroom guidance, small group counseling and individual counseling for students. The LES guidance program includes academic, personal/social and career components. It is comprehensive in scope, developmental in nature and preventative in design. Through classroom guidance, students experience developmentally appropriate lessons to aid students in preparing for challenges, increase academic success, develop decision making and conflict resolution skills, learn self control and how to stay safe and make good choices. The guidance curriculum is tied to the American School Counselors Association (ASCA) model. 

Small group and/or individual counseling offer students the ability to work through issues that may affect their school success and general well being. Students have the opportunity to be involved in a small group as a way to cope with feelings and situations. Children in individual counseling meet on a one-on-one basis to develop coping strategies for their emotional, social, behavioral or academic concerns. 

At LES, I work closely with the faculty and staff to identify students who may be at risk. I collaborate with parents and outside community agencies to ensure that our elementary students have the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need for future success.

It is my belief that the counselor be a visible and integral part of the school. All children should have equal access to counseling and guidance services and should be treated with respect and dignity. The counselor is an advocate for students and their parents. My goal is to develop a positive relationship between home and school.   I also believe that all children can learn and reach their true potential given the right learning environment. I welcome your involvement in the guidance and counseling program at Lavonia Elementary School.